
How does PAMCo produce published media audiences?

PAMCo’s methodology integrates print readership and demographic data from a high-quality survey of 22,000 participants per year with digital audience estimates supplied by Ipsos iris.  The PAMCo survey is based on an ‘online first’ method and includes two phases:
  1. It starts with a postal phase – sampled addresses are mailed and up to two household members are invited to complete an online (or paper) self-completion questionnaire
  2. This is followed by a field stage when non-responsive households are visited in-person by Ipsos ‘facilitators’ to encourage completion online or paper.  From October 2021 the option of an in-home interview is now being offered again.
Ipsos iris is the new UKOM approved standard for online audience measurement in the UK from January 2021. To download the Technical Appendix 201 click here


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