
The Population Sampled

The sample for data collection during 2021 was designed to be representative of the adult population aged 15+ of Great Britain. The survey population is estimated to be 53,927,883 according to JICPOPS mid 2021 projections based on 2011 census data.ย  All details below relate to the sampling process for the 2021 survey.ย 

Overview of the PAMCo Sample

PAMCo has a multi-stage disproportional pre-selected sample design.

The three stages of sampling are as follows:

  • Selection of sampling points
  • Selection of addresses
  • Selection of individuals

The sampling frame for the selection of sampling points comprises all Output Areas (OAs) in Great Britain. Two OAs are selected per sampling point.

The sampling frame for the selection of addresses is the Postal Address File (PAF).

Data collection is divided into two stages, each with its own procedure for the selection of the household members to be sampled.

At an initial postal stage, three mailouts are sent by post to each address and any two household members aged 15+ are invited to complete the survey.ย ย ย 

At the field stage Interviewers are issued with the addresses where there has been no survey completed (and no refusal to take part) at the postal stage. At each household contacted they enumerate eligible individuals aged 15+. The final stage of the sampling is then to select which of these eligible individuals should be interviewed. One individual is selected in most households, and up to two individuals in larger households. The rules as to how this is done are described later in this document.

Some disproportional sampling is used at the stage of selecting sampling points in order to over-sample certain ACORN areas particularly likely to contain individuals with AB social grades.

Selection of Sampling Points

The first stage of sampling is to select the sample points (or locations) where data collection will be carried out. Before this is done, certain ACORN areas are upweighted (and others downweighted). This is done so as to oversample areas where individuals with AB social grades are particularly likely to live, and therefore increase the number of interviews taken with AB participants.

The steps taken to select the sampling points are therefore as follows:

a) Sampling weights are applied to the adult populations of OAs by 7 categories of ACORN Types, as follows:

Category ACORN Types Weights Applied
1 1, 2, 3 1.91
2 4, 5, 7, 8, 9, 14, 16 1.63
3 6, 10, 15, 17, 61 1.36
4 11, 12, 13, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 24, 26, 32, 62, 00 1.11
5 23, 25, 28, 29, 31, 33, 34, 37, 53, 54, 60 1.01
6 27, 30, 36, 38, 41, 49, 50 0.74
7 35, 39, 40, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 51, 52, 55, 56, 57, 58, 59 0.65


b) Great Britain is divided into 60 area groupings, devised for PAMCo, individually weighted and used to piece together the Government Office Region and non-overlap ISBA TV regions.

A full list of the 60 areas can be found overleaf. For the purposes of sampling, the area groupings are further sub-divided into district groupings.

c) The weighted adult populations of each of the 60 area groupings are calculated. The target number of sampling points for each area grouping is then set. The total number of points at this stage is 1,616 per annum.


d) Within each area grouping, OAs are ranked in descending order by PAMCo district grouping, then within district by PAMCo ACORN category, and finally within PAMCo ACORN category by NS-SEC.


e) The required number of OAs within each area grouping as specified at b) is then selected with probability proportional to weighted adult populations, using random start/fixed sampling interval procedures.


f) Any selected OA falling into a โ€˜no-goโ€™ area (as separately defined) is replaced with one in the sample District and same ACORN Type with population size closest to the originally selected OA.


g) Modified procedures are applied in Scotland in areas 49, 50, 51, 52, 56, 57, 58 and 59. In these areas the target number of points is increased, relative to other areas, to the numbers shown in the table overleaf.


Sampling Areas

The area groupings used and the target number of Sampling Points selected for data collection in 2021 are as follows:

England and Wales

Area Groupings Government Office Region ISBA Area No. of Points Selected
1 South West South West 44
2 South West Southern 24
3 South East Southern 40
4 South East Southern 20
5 South East Southern 28
6 South East Southern 52
7 South East London 40
8 East of England London 56
9 Greater London London 36
10 Greater London London 72
11 Greater London London 48
12 Greater London London 52
13 East of England East of England 36
14 East Midlands East of England 16
15 South East London 24
16 East of England East of England 24
17 East of England East of England 36
18 South East Midlands 28
19 South West Midlands 16
20 West Midlands Midlands 44
21 West Midlands Midlands 28
22 Greater London London 32
23 West Midlands Midlands 16
24 West Midlands Midlands 16
25 West Midlands Midlands 28
26 East Midlands Midlands 24
27 East Midlands Midlands 20
28 East Midlands Midlands 24
29 Wales Wales and the West 8
30 Wales Wales and the West 24
31 Wales Wales and the West 28
32 North West Border 12
33 South West Wales and the West 20
34 South West Wales and the West 36
35 Yorkshire and the Humber Yorkshire 48
36 Yorkshire and the Humber Yorkshire 28
37 Yorkshire and the Humber Yorkshire 24
38 East Midlands Yorkshire 28
39 Wales Lancashire 8
40 North West Lancashire 36
41 North West Lancashire 36
42 North West Lancashire 16
43 North West Lancashire 28
44 North West Lancashire 32
45 Yorkshire and the Humber North East 16
46 North East North East 28
47 North East North East 12
48 North East North East 12



Area Groupings Area Names No. of Points Selected


49 Aberdeen 8
50 Dundee 8
51 Edinburgh 24
52 Strathclyde, urban 64
53 Strathclyde, rural 24
54 Lothian 12
55 Central 12
56 Fife 12
57 Other Tayside 12
58 Other Grampian 12
59 Highland 12
60 Scottish Borders 12


Allocation to Questionnaire Version

Each sampling point is assigned a code to determine the rotation order to be used to ask about the various newspapers and magazines during that particular assignment. For details of the rotation orders, see document entitled โ€˜The Interviewโ€™.


Selection of Addresses

Within each selected pair of OAs, 32 or 33 addresses are selected, apart from London where 35 addresses are selected.

At the field stage, addresses are issued to the interviewer via the Electronic Contact Sheet (ECS) software on their tablet computer.

A minimum of three calls is prescribed for each potentially productive address, of which at least one at the weekend and one on a weekday evening, before attempts to interview can be abandoned. Interviewers are encouraged to make as many calls as possible, varying them by time of day.


Selection of Individuals

The selection of individuals is done within the ECS using the following steps:

a) All selected addresses within each selected OA are allocated the letters P, Q, R and S consecutively.
b) For all issued addresses the ECS specifies the one or two persons to be interviewed, as follows:


Address Letter

No. of adults at address P Q R S
1 First First First First
2 First Second First Second
3 Second First, Third Second, Third First
4 First, Fourth Second, Third First, Fourth Second, Third
5 Second, Fourth First, Fifth First, Third Second, Fifth
6+ First, Youngest Third, Fifth Second, Fifth Fourth, Youngest


The ECS instructs interviewers to list all persons aged 15+ in a selected household, in descending order of age, and then confirms the person(s) selected for interview, depending on the total number of adults at the address and the letter allocated to that address.


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